Processing a New Rx Request Split into Multiple Prescriptions

A New Rx Request sent through PrescribeIT® may need to be split into two or more separate prescriptions when multiple doses are required to fill the full strength of the prescription.

A prescription for Effexor with a strength of 225mg may require two prescriptions; one for a dose of 150mg and another prescription for a dose of 75mg.

To process a New Rx Request as multiple prescriptions, two parts are required:

  • Processing the first prescription.

  • Processing the additional prescription(s).

Part 1: Process the first prescription

  1. From the Workbench > Data Entry queue, select the New Rx Request, identified by New Rx Request displayed in the Request column.

  2. Select Process. The Intake window appears.

  3. Enter the information required to process the first prescription and process as usual. For more information, see Processing a New Rx Request.

  4. Once processed, keep the printed PDF prescription for the additional prescription. This copy will be attached to the additional prescriptions as a cross-reference.

    If you have set up preferences to prevent the prescription from automatically printing once the transaction is processed, the prescription can be printed from the patient's Profile.

Part 2: Process the additional prescription(s)

  1. From the Workbench, select Intake. The Intake window appears.

  2. Search for and select the Patient.

  3. Choose one the following options:

    1. Scan the printed PDF prescription using the New Scan button. Skip to step 5.

    2. Select Select Image. The Select Rx Image window opens. Continue to step 4.

  4. On the left side of the window, highlight the attachment to be reused and press Select. The screen returns to Intake.

  5. Enter the prescription information and process as usual.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until all additional prescriptions have been processed.

It is best practice to cross-reference the prescriptions to each other either on the hard copies or as a note on the prescriptions.


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Processing a New Rx Request